Want to live deeply loved?

First: Get Your Weekly Loved Note

Every Tuesday (ish) I send out a Loved Note

– a quick reminder that God loves you deeply.

Bonus: when you sign up for Loved Notes, you get

a FREE download of Be Deeply Loved, a three-part meditation.

Second: Listen

Our weekly Loved Notes are now a podcast!

Join the conversation, and together we’ll learn to be deeply loved.

Third: Prepare for the Journey

Gather the tools that may help you on this journey of being deeply loved.

My books may be useful in helping you prepare.

And you may find that prayer beads are helpful along the way.

Fourth: Go Deeper

Explore ways to be still with God, speak your truth, experience God’s presence,

and feel deeply loved through my online classes and in-person retreats.

Fifth: Let’s Journey Together

Sometimes it’s helpful to have a guide or companion on the deeply loved journey.

As a spiritual director, I’d be honored to join you in whatever way might be helpful.

Blessings on your journey of living deeply loved.