Prayer Bead Testimonies

Every day we receive profound testimonies from people who have discovered the benefits of praying with beads. Here are just a few:

I just received my kit and within the half hour I made these pretty prayer beads all by myself! The directions were oh so simply put! Thank you Kristen for your book! I pray through out the day, my habit of many years, but I really desired a daily method of sorts to make my prayer life blossom. It was a blessing to read about your book on The Upper Room site! Thank you! – Monie F.

Hello, I have been making prayer beads since your first book came out and I give them to people in my church who are in hospital or suffering. Many of them are cancer victims. Also I make chaplet beads to give as agape during men’s and women’s Emmaus Walks. That has been very rewarding. I am serving on the next Women’s Walk, but I am considering doing a Lenten prayer beads study at my church based on your second book. Thanks for introducing me to a very rewarding way to share my faith with others. Sincerely, Viki H.

I made sets for many friends when your article in the Upper Room first came out, but never felt called to have a set for myself. I decided if I was truly going to work at being present to and with God, prayer beads would be helpful. I even made a “mini” set to keep in the pocket of my labcoat at work. It feels right to have a physical connection in my pocket, and even more so to have a reminder of the importance of praying for the patients I work with as well as my co-workers. Thank you for being a channel for God’s love!

We are using your book for our weekly Parish Bible Study. We are learning lots and having fun making our own prayer beads and extra’s for gifts. – Jenelle

I’m a Lay Servant Tennessee. Recently, I facilitated my very first small group study. I chose it to be “A Bead and a Prayer” and I was amazed that I had 9 members who attended! Here in the “Bible Belt”, people are sometimes set in their ways, but if it had not been for the introduction to your 1st book, I would not have had these beautiful, and mostly older (70+) women in class! These women are mostly single, very into their church families, but have needed to find a personal quiet time with God. Most of them found the last class on “Listening to God” most valuable. I look forward to facilitating future classes. Our District UMW groups are very interested! – Barbara A.

Many in our community have begun using Kristen’s prayer beads in their daily routine. – Lana J.

I am from North Dakota. I have your book and love it! This is an amazing tool and I am so blessed to have come across this website. I, along with the my daughters confirmation class, made prayer beads. The girls loved them. I am going to put on a Bible study class using your book for the ladies in our congregation this fall. I can’t wait for your next book! – Stacie

Your work of engaging people in prayer is essential and important. Thank you for what you do. We have been using Protestant prayer beads and the book, Another Bead, Another Prayer, in our staff meeting at the church where I serve as senior pastor.

I am a United Methodist minister recently visiting the Upper Room bookstore in Nashville and purchased your book “A Bead and a Prayer” and a chaplet. AMAZING. I want to tell you what a blessing this has been. I was sharing with two other pastor friends and found they both carry prayer beads. I would have never expected it. Many Blessings, Chuck S.

My 90 1/2 y.o. mom has been wanting this since she read the story in The Upper Room. – Jeanette F.

I read about you in The Upper Room. What a glorious addition for prayer. – Gail S.

I found your book, A Bead and a Prayer, read it, and loved it. I made a set of prayer beads using beads I had. It was exactly what I needed. My son, who is 11, came down during my quiet time one morning and asked what I was doing with the beads. I explained them and he asked if I could make him one. He is excited and anxious to start praying with them. He has never been excited about prayer. This is an amazing tool to help him. Thank you so much. – Jodi E.

I enjoyed your workshop! The prayer beads I made that day were given that afternoon to my husband’s aunt, who has cancer and is in hospice. I told her she could hold them or just look at them and know that God would never leave her! Then, I gave another set of beads to a lady in my study group. The prayer beads don’t last long – the impulse is to give them away! Thank you for this ministry. It is so very special! – Thayer M.